Week 02 - 03 - Planet Building

Three-Star System

Planet Texture

Summer(Very Unstable):

Winter (A little more stable):

Planet Panorama:

Name: Chugg
Solar System: 3 suns ( One Chugg year = 523 Earth years)
Size: Really big (10 times the size of Earth)
Climate: an Extreme difference of temperature between day and night, very extreme climate changing throughout a Chugg year
The range of Gravity: 23m/s^2 - 50m/s^2
Geography: No major solid land, but very nutritious water and air,  separating the creatures into two layers, there's some floating sand island (half solid) within layers.
Core: there is a core with actual heavier elements, some small creatures are living there, and the intellectual creatures on Chugg can get important elements from there.






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